Milsteadx Red Squaw of Casblaidd SDC 'A' (Beech) Born 14th June 2003

My beautiful Beech - my shadow and my constant companion throughout her life.
A super dog to live with - she probably knows more than I can ever tell her by now. Has worked hard and enjoyed every moment on shoots in Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire for 8 seasons now - sometimes working for 70+ days a season, never sick or sorry.
Very good results in working tests in her younger days, and many show awards as well. In 2011 Sarah Whittaker said of Beech 'This is a very workmanlike dog, nicely balanced with super top line and tail set. Good turn of stifle. '
Many thanks to her breeders Sandy and Wynne Richards for allowing me to have so many years of fun with this girl!
Damaged a hip in deep clay as a pup, which showed on her hip score, but has never affected her in any way.
Eye test clear +glaucoma
A super dog to live with - she probably knows more than I can ever tell her by now. Has worked hard and enjoyed every moment on shoots in Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire for 8 seasons now - sometimes working for 70+ days a season, never sick or sorry.
Very good results in working tests in her younger days, and many show awards as well. In 2011 Sarah Whittaker said of Beech 'This is a very workmanlike dog, nicely balanced with super top line and tail set. Good turn of stifle. '
Many thanks to her breeders Sandy and Wynne Richards for allowing me to have so many years of fun with this girl!
Damaged a hip in deep clay as a pup, which showed on her hip score, but has never affected her in any way.
Eye test clear +glaucoma